
For Healthcare Providers

Patnering with Healthywayzz LLC can act as a seamless extension of your practice and can be a valuable resource for you and your patients.

Chronic Care Management :

Healthywayzz Chronic Care Management program combines these key elements to help patients manage their long-term health concerns.

Remote Care

Increases the ease of access to wellness resources, like fitness
classes and support groups; lowers the barriers for engagement; and frees up providers and staff to focus on in-office visits

Between Visit Care

Increases compliance with your recommendations between office
visits; increases the focus on general health and wellness; and
increases visibility into patient health status between visits

Implementing Chronic Care Management at Your Practice

With one in four American’s living with at least one chronic illness, it is
not surprising that over 80% of primary care providers describe
themselves as at full capacity or over extended. Patients with complex health conditions and concerns utilize more resources, calling and coming into the office more frequently. The additional calls and visits put a strain on front desk staff and nurses, limiting other
patients ability to access healthcare resources. This can result in a
negative impact on your practice’s patient satisfaction and retention.
Practices are facing the challenges of keeping up with increased
demand for healthcare and being penalized by Medicare with a
potential 7% payment adjustment tied to the completion of specific
quality and performance measures.
Partnering with Healthywayzz LLC can act as a seamless extension of
your practice and can be a valuable resource for you and your